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Lessons From The Gospel of Wealth (Article by Andrew Carnegie June 1889)

For anyone studying Napoleon Hill's book, "Think And Grow Rich," it will not take very long to start asking about Andrew Carnegie.

Napoleon Hill as a young reporter met Andrew Carnegie, and the meeting changed his life. Mr Carnegie, one of the richest men in America or the world for that matter at the time, asked Napoleon to dedicate 20 plus years to write a book. When Napoleon agreed, he gave him the principles as guidelines and instructions of the people he needs to interview.

Still ranking BusinessWeek bestseller paperback list more than 70 years later, the success and history speak for themselves. Napoleon Hill took his duties seriously and gave us a great book.

As a child, my parents had encyclopedia books, and I remember spending hours paging and reading through those books.

Today, we have Wikipedia, one of the internet's greatest inventions.

Putting Andrew Carnegie's name into Wikipedia pulls you into the life of somebody who did extraordinary things with his life. Mr Carnegie had a dream and a vision with this book, and he wanted it to become a book used in schools. Something to be used by teachers and students to make the world a better place and help to reduce the divide between rich and poor.

The Gospel Of Wealth is an article written by Andrew Carnegie in June of 1889 and how that may apply to the Human Rights Day we celebrated today.

The Gospel of Wealth asserts that hard work and perseverance lead to wealth. Then he talked a great deal about how people who inherit wealth squander it away. Charitable organizations also a great concern to him because he reckons the custodians will not adhere to the wishes and will make the beneficiaries dependant instead of creating opportunities to better themselves. Distributing wealth to communities from which they originate, he pleaded for higher estate duties on dead millionaires and the wrongness of ostentatious lifestyle by the rich.

Carnegie argued that surplus wealth is put to best use and produces the most significant net benefit to society when administered carefully by the wealthy.

He leads by example and started philanthropy at the age of 35 just in the last 18 years of his life, gave away $5,2 billion valued in 2019 to charities, foundations, and universities. "The Gospel of Wealth" called on the rich to use their wealth to improve society and stimulated a wave of philanthropy.

The new elite in South Africa can learn a lot from this article. The divide between rich and poor was already a problem in 1889 and remained the most significant threat to peace globally.

Think And Grow Rich proved that people could create what they think, and the opportunity to create wealth should be a basic Human Right.

If the book ever made it as a textbook in any school, I do not know. At least it sold many millions of copies, and many teachers use the principles to teach.

The book is waking up the collector in me, and I would like to get my hand on an earlier version.

Andrew Carnegie realized the value of education early in his life and dedicated a big part of his wealth to education by building more than 3000 libraries.

Albert Schuurman

Creator of Facebook Group "Financial Freedom In 5 Years Or Less"

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